Friday, July 27, 2012

this is just to say.

I was going to get my sleep schedule back on track after sleeping through five alarms this morning, but it's almost 12:30 in the morning and I'm still up.

I know that biting my nails looks very unlady-like and unprofessional but I'm sitting here biting them anyway.

I wish pimples went away after you turned twenty.

I cut myself off from shopping this month, but that doesn't mean come august 1st I'm heading back to tj maxx to buy the really cute sweater and $15 kenneth cole bag I saw today.

I really love shopping.

I'm getting a little too excited about decorating my soon-to-be house.

I keep saying I'm going to eat healthier, but just ate a ridiculous amount of nestle's chocolate brownies as well as three cupcakes in the past twenty four hours.

I really love cupcakes too.

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