last week I went home and got to stay with my sister, brother-in-law, and adorable nephew. we also went and visited my grandma in georgia which was nice because I couldn't remember the last time I went to see her. it was a lovely week. I got to relax, go thrifting with kait, and see the hunger games (again-- it's so good!) with kent. the week went by entirely too fast. good thing I'll be there next weekend for the brothers' birthdays!
they're so cute.
homemade pizza! so yummy!
kent taught me to make omelets in a zip lock bag. he also taught me other valuable life lessons like "never trust ANYBODY" and "NEVER pour grease down the sink EVER."
he's my favorite.
my omelet. it was so good!
patch got spoiled. he turned two while I was there.
he even got a bath for his birthday and kait did his hair.
thanks for the fun week kait and kent! and thanks to my brothers for helping me move into my new place.
see you next weekend!
Love to show off my superman t-shirt and phillies pj pants, but next time let's avoid publishing my too-tight-not-for-public-viewing blue shorts. THHHHANKS.
haha noted. only you would notice that and they don't look bad. promise.
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