Sunday, December 9, 2012

hooray for birthdays!

wednesday was my 22nd birthday. it was a thrilling birthday that consisted of studying, studying, and taking a final from 6-8 pm. but there were some good moments in there, too. my parents called me, michelle took me out to lunch, and my sweet roommates planned a little celebration for me after my exam.

I got this in the mail on monday. sisters are the best. :)

the best way to start a birthday morning: presents, phone call with the parents, and Jesus.

and tea!!! I have never been more thankful for tea than I was this week.

I got back from my test to find the best gift ever from my roommates and this awesome cake courtesy of michelle's mom.

julia & leanne

michelle & me

leanne, hilary, & eva

jordan showed up! and so did pizza and breadsticks!

michelle modeled the pizza very nicely.

and this picture just made me laugh.

so happy and thankful for my roommates and friends. they made my birthday fantastic.

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