Sunday, January 5, 2014

goals for 2014

Brace yourself for the obligatory new year's resolutions list! Normally I'm not really big on new year's resolutions. Maybe it's me being realistic (or pessimistic?) and not wanting to set myself up for failure, or maybe it's the fact that I think it's silly that people wait until the new year to make resolutions. I mean, why can't you make a resolution in August? Just sayin'. Anyway, I guess maybe these are more like goals; resolutions sounds far too definite. Here we go...

1. Vary my reading. Lately, it's been all fiction. While I have nothing against fiction,-- I mean, I love it-- I want to broaden my reading to include history, biographies, non-fiction and the like.
2. Go overseas. (Or start heading that direction) Ideally, I would like to fulfill my plan to go to South Sudan for six months and teach, but given the current situation, that plan is indefinitely put on hold. If that doesn't work out, I would like to go somewhere overseas and teach or work with children or both.
3. Read through the Bible. I've started this one a few times and failed miserably. But this year I'm bound and determined. I no longer have mounds of school work holding me back, so there really is no excuse. I'm also reading it chronologically which helps break the books up. I'm hoping that will help me!
4. Be healthier. This is quite general, I know. I usually go to the extreme saying I will exercise every day for the next year which is where the failure part so easily comes. So I'm keeping it open, but if you want me to commit I would like to exercise three to four times a week and make healthier food choices.
Oh, I also would like to cut waaay back on coffee and caffeine and stop using artificial sweeteners. That one I am pretty set on, and it's going well so far! (Yes, I know I'm only five days in.)

Happy New Year!

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