Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Last 5 Months in Summary

There is no way to catch up on everything that has happened in the last five months, so here are some highlights: 

 -- On my birthday weekend, Michelle came to visit, my co-workers and my brother took me out to lunch and dinner, and I got a Bikram yoga mat from Julia and Leanne who surprised me at work. Oh, and I got an IPhone. I’m officially fancy.  

-- My parents officially moved back to the states when my dad was offered the senior pastor position at our old church. It’s nice to have them a phone call and 30 minute drive away.
-- I hosted Christmas this year which made for a crowded, but fun, house. 
Also, I need to buy more comfy chairs.

·        --  I don’t have any fun, cute pictures of New Year’s Eve because I was sick. Boo! My New Year’s consisted of watching the first half of the LOTR movie with my parents and my brother before we moved on to a Netflix documentary about some guys dying trying to climb K-2. That’s when I went to bed at 11:00. (And what is it with guys watching documentaries on holidays?! Is it just my family or what?) Moving on…

·        --  I became an aunt for the third time when my second niece made her grand debut at the end of January!! 
She’s a cutie.
 And I know because I got to meet her two weeks later when my mom and I went to Florida!

--  I also made a trip to Greenville because Sara threw a fun party to celebrate Cruz turning one. 
Being an aunt is the greatest, I tell ya.

-- Speaking of being an aunt, I found out I’m going to be an aunt for a FOURTH time in October when Wes and Sara have their baby. Miracle of miracles. I wasn’t sure this day would ever come, and my entire reaction is on video. There were tears.

-- The Avett Brothers came to my city, so obviously I had to see them.

  -- Keeli and I did the color run, and I really believe it is the happiest run. So. Much. Fun.
-- I did a 60 day yoga challenge January-March and then promptly stopped going for a month when it was over. Now I’m back at square one and dying in every class.

·      -- I took a road trip to Charleston last weekend to see Michelle because I hadn’t seen her since my birthday and still had her Christmas present sitting in my room. I have nothing to show for it except for new work clothes, a new purse (my old one has been through the mill), and a few extra pounds because I had the BEST PIZZA EVER. 

So there you have it. My life the last five months. Maybe I’ll do a better job at blogging and can contain things to an every two-three month recap. But that’s a big maybe, so don’t hold your breath. ;)

Until next time!

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