Monday, October 6, 2014


 One February morning, when I was still in Africa, I walked down the mountain to the internet cafe. My dad was staying at the house that day because he wasn't feeling well, and my mom wasn't coming down until later. I sat on the bench, vaguely listening to a conversation happening between a local man and one of the missionaries. 
I opened up my email, forgot about everyone around me, and let out a gasp because of THIS:
Wes and Sara adopted the cutest baby boy on February 21, and I was beyond thrilled for them.
My mom arrived an hour or so later, and I dragged her over to the computer so that she could see her new grandson. She yelled, started crying, and we immediately hugged. The next day we (including my dad) called Wes and Sara to get the whole story which you can read here. (It's amazing.)

Cruz Mason Parker
Born February 19th, 2014 at 5:58pm
 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 19 inches long

My parents and I returned to the states in June to find Ben, Wes, Sara and Cruz waiting for us at the airport.
It was our first time meeting him, and he was (and still is) ADORABLE.

 And just because I love my now-7-month-old nephew so much, here are more recent pictures of him:

I love this little man and am so thankful for God's faithfulness in our family.

(all photos taken by my sister-in-law)

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