Sunday, October 5, 2014

I scream for cupcakes

Not really, but I'm much more likely to scream for cupcakes than ice cream.
Moving on. 
One Sunday in August (I know. I've been meaning to publish this post for over a month), I got the kitchen bug. It all started when I invited Ben over for lunch after church. I had all of the ingredients for a recipe (that I had bought over a week ago), and inviting Ben helped motivate me to actually make the dish. I didn't get any pictures of that because we were hungry, and I wasn't going to say, "Stop! I gotta take a picture." Maybe next time.
After Ben left, I had images dancing through my head about cooking all of the time and having people over every weekend. Then I told myself to slow down. One meal, one day at a time. But since I was on a kick, I thought Hey! Why not make those cupcakes that I've been wanting to make for over a week now too?

Which led to these: Brownie cupcakes with cookie dough frosting.
 Halfway through putting the cupcake liners in the pan, I ran out of liners. So my roommate (I haven't told you about her! Someday, I will.) Anyway, my roommate mentioned that I could make liners out of parchment paper.
 This was the result. It actually worked pretty well!!
The finished product. They were so yummy!

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