Friday, May 15, 2015

SC Freedom Summit

It's a well known fact that I'm a political junkie, so when I found out that the SC Freedom Summit was happening in Greenville, I was immediately interested. I texted my political buddy (and best friend) to see if she was interested in going, and she was! I got us tickets and counted down the days until May 9.
We spent the night at my brother and sister-in-law's house so we wouldn't have to get up at the crack of dawn to drive there. 
When we arrived, it was packed and sold out. There were a TON of speakers--some interesting and others not-at-all-interesting. All in all though it was a fun (and informative) day!
Some of my favorite speakers-- Scott Walker, Donald Trump, and Ben Carson 
(Although that is not necessarily a reflection of who I would vote for.)
 Me and Michelle! A few people felt the need to point out (in a good way) that we were some of the few young people there, and it was true unfortunately.
 And what better way do unwind from a long convention than by watching Rob Lowe and The West Wing with Starbucks?!

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