Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Fourth

My sister has been in town with her girls for a few weeks now while her husband is off getting paid to have fun with a bunch of teenagers. That meant I got to spend 4th of July with my two favorite nieces. :)  It was a low key day for the most part. Just sitting around chatting and eating lots of good food. 
We did go watch fireworks (a must). It was so fun seeing it from my 2-year-old niece's perspective. She loved yelling out the colors while covering her ears and instructing us to cover ours as well. The sad part was the following morning when we asked her what she did the night before, and all she remembered was "sitting in Gigi's red truck." So funny. :)

My sister blinded us trying to take pictures in the pitch black with the flash, but I love this picture of us. :)

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